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首页 > 弹性地材辅材系统 > 弹性地材粘合剂系列 > HENRY 315


HENRY 315 室内地毯粘合剂

● 初粘、终粘性能优异
● 适用于多种类地毯铺设
● 水性配方、极低VOC、环保
● 适合地热基层铺设


● 初粘、终粘性能优异

● 适用于多种类地毯铺设

● 水性配方、极低VOC、环保

● 适合地热基层铺设



● HENRY 315 室内地毯粘合剂适用于室内多种类地毯的铺设粘贴。



● 基层须具有适当的抗压和抗折强度,且干燥、无影响粘结力的尘杂物或污染物;

● 施工前用重型打磨机打磨,清除基层表面的混凝土、固体垃圾和油漆等异物;清理基层表面所有的蜡、污垢、油脂、油漆和残胶等;

● 建议使用HENRY 521 加固起砂或开裂的基层,使用HENRY 531 修补存在坑洞或线槽的基层,地面平整度不达标的,建议先使用HENRY 548 自流平精找平基层,确保铺设效果。



● 在施工铺装期间(72h)室内环境温度(及基层温度)建议保持在10℃-30℃,相对空气湿度不超过75%;

● 须将亨历产品和铺装材料静置在施工场地不少于48h以适应环境温度;

● 使用羊毛滚筒或A2刮齿将粘合剂均匀地涂覆在基层上,当胶膜透明即可开始粘贴地毯;

● 使用50kg滚压器滚压已铺设好的地毯,可达到更佳的粘贴效果。



● 若施工环境温湿度超出建议范围,请咨询本公司技术人员。

● 产品开封后若粘合剂表面有结膜,须先剔除、再搅拌均匀后方可使用。

● 用后请将桶盖密封,余品不可直接倒入下水道。

● 可用水清洗工具。



● 颜色:                白色

● Ph值:               7-8

● 密度:                1.1kg/L

● 用量:                150-250g/㎡

● 可承重时间:      24h

● 终粘强度时间:   7d

● 等待时间:约15min(视环境温湿度和基层吸收性而变化)

● 可抵受温度:干固后可承受最高温度至50℃



● 本品须存放在室内温度10℃-30℃环境中,堆放不超过四层,保质期为12个月。防止冰冻、曝晒。


● 净重:20kg/桶。




Excellent grab;

Specially designed for various carpets;

Water based formulation, very low VOC, environmental;

Suitable for under floor heating.


Scope of application:

HENRY 315 Indoor Carpet Adhesive is used for all types of carpet with the universal wide range of applications.


Substrate Preparation:

1.The substrate must be mature, sound, solid, clean and dry with sufficient tensile and compressive strength.

2.Remove dirt, wax, loose paint and all other foreign matter that would interfere with a good bond such as curing agents & sealers.

3.HENRY 521/531 is recommend for cementing/patching sub-floor. HENRY 548 is for leveling.  


Mixing and Application:

1.The temperature of the indoor environment (including sub-floor) should be no lower than 10℃ and no higher than 30℃ for at least 72 hours prior to, during and after the tile installation.

2.All HENRY products and installation materials should be stored between 10℃ and 30℃ for at least 48 hours prior to installation. Relative humidity should be no more than 75%.

3. Apply HENRY 315 with a wool roller or A2 scraper. Adhesive is ready for installing when it no longer transfers to the  touching finger. Adhesive must be dry prior to installing carpet.

4. Roll the flooring using a 50kg flooring roller, from end to end

Excellent grab;

Specially designed for various carpets;

Water based formulation, very low VOC, environmental;

Suitable for under floor heating.


Scope of application:

HENRY 315 Indoor Carpet Adhesive is used for all types of carpet with the universal wide range of applications.


Substrate Preparation:

1.The substrate must be mature, sound, solid, clean and dry with sufficient tensile and compressive strength.

2.Remove dirt, wax, loose paint and all other foreign matter that would interfere with a good bond such as curing agents & sealers.

3.HENRY 521/531 is recommend for cementing/patching sub-floor. HENRY 548 is for leveling.  


Mixing and Application:

1.The temperature of the indoor environment (including sub-floor) should be no lower than 10℃ and no higher than 30℃ for at least 72 hours prior to, during and after the tile installation.

2.All HENRY products and installation materials should be stored between 10℃ and 30℃ for at least 48 hours prior to installation. Relative humidity should be no more than 75%.

3. Apply HENRY 315 with a wool roller or A2 scraper. Adhesive is ready for installing when it no longer transfers to the  touching finger. Adhesive must be dry prior to installing carpet.

4. Roll the flooring using a 50kg flooring roller, from end to end and from side to side, to ensure full overall contact with the adhesive.


Technical Data:

Color:               White

PH:                   7-8

Density:          1.1kg/L

Coverage:       150-250g/㎡

Working         time:Approx.15     minutes(Depending                   upon temperature, humidity and floor porosity, time will vary.)

Light traffic:    ≥24h

Full cure:         7days

Temperatures resistance:no more than 50℃ after curing



1.Contact technical team first when the job site condition is below 10℃ or above 75%RH.

2.Remove the conjunctivae on the surface first, then stir adhesive before use.

3.Please seal the lid after uses. Leftovers cannot be disposed into sewer directly.

4.Cleaning tools with water.



HENRY 315 has a shelf life of 12 months if kept in a dry store between 10℃ to 30℃. The product shall be stored indoor and kept away from frost or direct exposure.

