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首页 > 弹性地材辅材系统 > 弹性地材粘合剂系列 > HENRY 210


HENRY 210 双组份聚氨酯粘合剂

● 超强的终粘强度确保主材尺寸稳定性
● 可承受高荷载
● 固化后耐水,室内外均可使用
● 耐高温、耐低温、耐酸碱性


● 超强的终粘强度确保主材尺寸稳定性

● 可承受高荷载

● 固化后耐水,室内外均可使用

● 耐高温、耐低温、耐酸碱性



● 双组份聚氨酯粘合剂适合粘接橡胶地板、PVC地板、软木地板、亚麻地板及人造草皮等材料。适合在干燥基层,如:水泥砂浆、混凝土、木材、瓷砖、石材、金属等基层上使用。尤其适用于高荷载基层上。



● 混合比:         A组份: B组份=5:1(重量比)

● 施工温度:     介于5℃和30℃之间

● 工作时间:     0-40分钟

● 可通行时间: 12-24小时后

● 终粘强度:     48小时后



● 表面必须结实、平整、干燥、清洁、没有裂缝。基础表面若不平整,请用亨历自流平精找平。致密、光滑的基层需打磨处理。请遵守相关产品的说明书。



● 使用前,请打开大桶(12.5kg规格),然后将小桶(2.5kg规格)中的组份全部倒入大桶,必须使用适合的电动搅拌器充分搅拌本品,确保搅拌彻底、均匀,色泽一致。搅拌时应尤其注意容器壁和底部。用刮板将本品均匀涂布至基层表面(参见“用量表”)。铺设地板并均匀滚压。2-3小时后再次对地板滚压。确保胶水充分转移至地板背面。施工后可立即用醋酸乙酯等助剂清洗工具。



刮齿类型                  用量

● A2或A3                300-500g/m2

● B1或B2                 400-600g/m2



● A 组份:12.5kg   B组份: 2.5kg

● 置于原包装内可存放12个月。在凉爽、干燥的环境下存储。低温存储会导致粘度升高,因此使用前应置于室内,使其达到室温(至少5℃)。



● 对眼睛、呼吸系统和皮肤有刺激作用。吸入或与皮肤接触可能引起过敏反应。本品与眼接触,请立即用大量清水冲洗并就医。立即脱去沾染本品的衣物。本品与皮肤接触,请立即用大量清水和肥皂清洗。佩戴防护手套和眼、脸防护装置。如遇事故或使用者感到不适,请立即就医。(如有可能,请出示本标签。)




Part A 12.5kg   Part B 2.5kg


Excellent Grab;

Resistance to high and low temperature;

Water resistant,Chemical resistant;

For areas subject to high loads;

For indoor and outdoor.



HENRY 210 Two-Component Polyurethane Adhesive is suitable for bonding rubber floor, PVC floor, cork floor, linoleum floor and artificial turf, material. Suitable for dry base, such as: cement mortar, concrete, wood, tile, stone, metal and other basic, especially for high load level. For indoor and outdoor.


Technical Data:

Mixing ratio:

Working temperature:

Working time:


Full cure:

A:B = 5:1 (by weight)

Between 5 ℃ and 30 ℃

0-40 minutes

After 12-24 hours

After 48 hours


Substrate Preparation:

The substrate must be mature, sound, solid, clean and dry with good surface integrity. Any repairs, levelling or smoothing should be carried out using HENRY relevant products. Please comply with the product specification.



First the entire contents of the Part B container should be poured into Part A container, then thorough mixing with an electric drill fitted to create one homogeneous mix and an even color is obtained. The adhesive should be applied evenly over the substrate using the appropriate serrated trowel. Ensure that there is correct transfer of the adhesive to the back of the floorcovering .After 2-3 hours press down or roll floorcoverings again. Clean tools immediately after use with acetone or spirits. Please contact technical team for testing if you have any problems. No liable for the flooring covers.

Note to comply with HENRY product instructions

Notch Size                                                    Consumption

  A2 or A3                                                    300-500g/m2

  B1 or B2                                                    400-600g/m2



Shelf life is approx.12 months in cool dry indoor environment above 5 ℃.


Health and Safety:

During mixing and application the following precautions should be observed: ensure adequate ventilation and avoid contact of the material with the eyes, nasal passages, mouth and unprotected skin. In case of contact with the eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice and after contact with the skin wash immediately with plenty of soap and water (do not use solvents).Prolonged contact with the skin should be avoided, especially where the user has an allergic reaction to resin-based materials. Always wear gloves and eye/face protection as necessary. Observe personal hygiene, particularly washing the hands after work has been completed or at any interruption whilst work is in progress. In case of accidents seek medical advice.