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首页 > 弹性地材辅材系统 > 自流平系列 > HENRY 548


HENRY 548 标准自流平

● 快速自动找平地面,快凝、低收缩
● 可自由控制施工厚度
● 施工厚度为2-4mm,优良的抗压、抗折强度


● 快速自动找平地面,快凝、低收缩
● 可自由控制施工厚度
● 施工厚度为2-4mm,优良的抗压、抗折强度



● HENRY 548标准自流平,采用特种水泥、精细骨料 和外资品牌聚合物喷雾干粉树脂及其他水泥添加剂等原料精制而成。产品具有良好的流动性、高塑性能够快速找平地面,适用于商业建筑、家庭等场合。可作为各式地板饰面材料安装铺贴前的基面(如混凝土楼板、水泥砂浆层、石质地砖等)找平用。柯在其上铺设PVC、亚麻地板、地毯、橡胶地材和木地板等材料。



● 适用于各类地板、地毯、瓷砖、地砖等地面材料,为其提供平整、完好、坚实的理想基层,属无毒无害绿色环保产品。



● 基层必须干燥、坚实、可承重、无尘、无妨碍粘结杂物,表面平整。为保证自流平表面强度和附着力,吸收性基层、石材、水磨石基面、瓷砖等非吸收表面基层,建议使用HENRY界面剂进行处理。


● 混合比:                       粉25kg:6.5kg水

● 涂布率:                     约3kg/m²·2mm

● 可行人时间:                 约4小时

● 可铺板所需时间:          待自流平完全干燥后 

● 可施工时间:              约20分钟

● 抗压强度:                  ≥25(MPa)28天

● 抗折强度:                  ≥6.0(MPa)28天



● 基层清理干净后,应选用合适的界面剂,当界面剂已被基层吸收,开始干燥成膜后(约底涂施工后1-6小时),开始自流平施工。

● 在一容器中倒入约6.5kg清水,然后慢慢加入一包25kg的自流平,用搅拌机搅拌至均匀无团的浆状,将混合料倒出,均匀地铺开,用专用的齿口刮板控制厚度,刚施工好的混合料要防止受阳光直射和强风吹拂,混合料须在20分钟内完成施工。也可以采用输送能力(20-40公升/分钟)的泵输送浆体进行施工。

● 初凝前需使用特制消泡辊滚压,以排除浆体内空气。



● 由于本品含水泥,会与水反应产生强碱性,避免与皮肤、眼睛接触。一旦接触,立即用大量清水冲洗;如果皮肤或眼睛受到伤害,立即就医 。本品完全硬化后不会产生对身体、环境有影响的物质。



● 25kg复合纸袋包装。本品必须存放于室内,注意防潮、防止曝晒。托盘堆放不超过8层,保质期为6个月。




Rapid hardening, self-smoothing, low shrinkage;

For thickness from 2-4mm;

High compressive and flexural strength;

Environmental friendly formula.



HENRY 548 is a standard Self-leveling with special cement, selected aggregate and high quality synthetic resins and other special additives, which has high flowability. Suitable for commercial buildings, warehouses, workshops, etc. Filing, smoothing and levelling of concrete slabs and cementitious screeds prior to sealing, coating or covering with suitable floor coverings such as PVC, carpet, rubber ,linoleum and wood floor.



Produces a smooth, flat, solid surface for the subsequent laying of all kinds of flooring materials such as floor, carpets, tiles, floor tiles and other materials.  

Environmental friendly formula.


Substrate Preparation:

The substrate must be mature, sound, solid, clean and dry with good surface integrity. For absorbent subfloor, or non-absorbent substrate like stone, terrazzo base surface, tiles, it is recommended to use HENRY primer for processing to improve the strength and adhesion of the self-leveling.


Technical Data:

Shelf-life:       6 months

Mixing ratio:   25kg powder: 6.5kg water

Coverage :      Approximately 3kg/m2·2mm

Working time:  About 20 minutes

Application of coating:                     About 4 hours

Can the time required for planking:    Waiting for self-leveling completely dry

Compressive strength:                     ≥ 25MPa (28 days )

Flexural strength:                           ≥ 6.0MPa (28 days )


Mixing and Application:

① The substrate must be thoroughly vacuumed and properly primed. After applying the primer, allow to wait approximately 1-6 hours before installation.

② HENRY 548 powder is added to clean water in a clean container whilst stirring vigorously and mixed thoroughly to a lump free mortar. Pour the mixed HENRY 548 onto the prepared substrate, spread into place using appropriate tools, and rake the material to gauge the thickness if required. HENRY 548 has a flow time of approx.20 minutes. Protect the surface of setting material from wind, sunlight and contamination.

③ The use of a spiked roller may aid the final leveling of the material and the spiked roller should be used within the flow time of the product.

④ HENRY 548 can be pumped with continuously working pumps with a capacity of 20-40kg/min.



The product is considered non-hazardous in normal usage; however it contains Portland cement and reacts alkaline which may cause some skin irritation after prolonged contact. Avoid contact with eyes or skin. In case of contact with eyes, rinse for several minutes under running water, and seek medical advice. Physiologically and ecologically safe when in the cured state.


Packaging and Storage:

25kg multi-layer paper bag. HENRY 548 has a shelf life of 6 months. The product shall be stored indoor, protected from moisture, kept away from direct sunlight and source of heat. Stacked on pallets no more than eight layers.